Much awaited Abraham Lincoln Research Award-2015 in Ethnoveterinary was
announced this week. Finally India wins award. Thousands of nominations
from several countries were received for international competition. The
noble work is screened which distinguish from the rest, in different
aspects of the Ethnoveterinary. The award is introduced to highlight
excellent think tanks on global platform. The research findings were
published on world’s prestigious The Journal of Ethnobiology and
Traditional Medicine. International Agency for Standards and Ratings
recognizes the researchers among World's 500 Most Influential Ethnoveterinologist for the year 2015.
Ethnoveterinary deals with traditional knowledge used for the treatment
of animals. This knowledge now prevails very few practioners, which
need to be explored in our society. Present paper deals with
ethnoveterinary practices recorded from folk people at Gwalior district,
Madhya Pradesh used for the treatment of cattle, specially buffaloes,
cows and goats. A total of 27 species were recorded to be used in curing
various ailments of domestic animals. In due course of time due to
increased mechanisation and modern therapy in various systems of
treatment, knowledge and uses of wonder herbs have been forgotten at a
large,, but still our traditional knowledge has survived with
aboriginals (adhivasis), farmers and folk men. Knowledge about
ethnoveterinary medicine is rather unsystematic and less formalized. It
is usually transferred through generations by word of mouth rather than
in writing. The present study is mainly aimed to collect this knowledge
from the villagers and other veterinary persons and to document it so
that the knowledge can be transferred to the future generations. Authors
are thankful to all resource persons, dairy men, villagers and folk men
who helped in providing the information. Traditional ethnoveterinary
knowledge, lying with folk people is under serious threat because of
current rapid changes in communities all over the world. Most of the
communities now-a-days use the mixture of traditional, local herbal
methods and modern practices for the treatment of their cattle. There
is, therefore, urgent need of promoting and conserving the use of
traditional ethnoveterinary medicines because they are less harmful,
cheaper, easily available and easy to administer. The main hurdle in
collecting information is that majority of folk people do not disclose
about the treatment and name of plants. Thus, information on many
ailments and their treatment remain unavailable.
The International Agricultural Economics and Sustainable Development
Award- 2015 goes to Prof. Dr. C. Sekhar and Prof. Dr. A. Pounraj from
India. The research findings were published on world’s prestigious
International Library for Thesis. IASR recognized the researchers among World's 500 Most Influential Agronomists for the year 2015.
Guidelines in Training Needs Analysis authored by Prof. Dr. C. Sekhar
and Prof. Dr. A. Pounraj was recently published on International Library
for Thesis. It is significant outcome in the scenario of ‘Make in India’
move leaded by Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi. Training is the
process of assisting a person for enhancing ones efficiency and
effectiveness at work by improving and updating his professional
knowledge by developing skills relevant to his work and cultivating
appropriate changes in the behavioral attitude towards work and people.
Hence training is considered to be a vital component. The efficient
training program is therefore one of the essential requirements for an
effective organization. Every organization needs to have well trained
employee and experienced people to perform the activities that have to
be done. Every modern management has to develop the organization through
the human resources development. Employee training is the most
important sub-system of human resources development. Training is a
specialized function and also one of the fundamental operative functions
for human resource development for the development of marketing.
Training improves changes and moulds the employee knowledge, skill,
behaviour, aptitude towards the requirement of the job and the
organization. Thus, the training bridges the difference between job
requirements and employee job specifications.
The Bjorn Sigurdsson Research Award-2015 goes to Srinivas Naik H., Srilatha Ch., Sujatha K.* and Ramamurthy R.V. from Department of Pathology, College of Veterinary Science, Sri Venkateswara Veterinary University, Tirupati, India. This is an excellent global opportunity to recognize the meritorious efforts by individual and organization. The research findings were published on world’s prestigious Photon Journal of Pathology. The worldwide competition involved many countries. World’s scientific communities turn their attention to merit of the scientific concept involved in it. It is catalyzing the funding and research enthusiasm. Visna/Maedi virus (VMV), a small ruminant lentivirus responsible for lympho proliferative pneumonia, encephalitis, arthritis and mastitis in sheep. In the present study, 3698 lungs collected from slaughtered sheep in and around Tirupati, AP, India and examined morphologically. 396 lungs were showed different pneumonic lesions. Among 396 lung lesions 21 (5.80%) were diagnosed as Maedi. Grossly, the weight of the lung is increased to two to four times than normal lung. All these lungs were voluminous and slight collapse of lungs when the thoracic cavity is opened. The shape of the enlarged lung remains normal and the affected tissue is of firm often somewhat fleshy consistency. The normal pinkish-red colour of a healthy sheep lung is replaced by a characteristic grey-brownish colour. Greyish discolouration of consolidated areas and more number of minute pinhead sized nodular lesions under the pleural surface. Histopathologically, chronic interstitial pneumonia with dense mononuclear cellular infiltration, hyperplasia of smooth musculature in alveolar septa, and slight fibrosis were observed in all the cases. Peribronchial and perivascular lymphoid hyperplasia and epithelial proliferation in small bronchi and bronchioles. Basing on gross and microscopic changes in lung confirmed it as maedi in sheep. Present study revealed 5.3% cases of Maedi out 396 ovine lung lesions and in few cases it is associated with the Pulmonary adenomatosis and Suppurative pneumonia. Grossly, the lungs were voluminous, greyish in colour with pinhead sized nodular lesions under the pleura. Microscopically, Chronic interstitial pneumonia with dense lymphoid aggregated of mononuclear cell infiltration around the bronchi, bronchioles and perialveolar spaces. The authors are thankful to Sri Venkateswara Veterinary University, Tirupati for providing facilities to carry out postgraduate research work in the Department of Veterinary Pathology, College of Veterinary Science, Tirupati. The incidence of Maedi was 5.3 % out of 396 ovine lungs. Studied gross and microscopic lesions in maedi suspected lungs. Maedi was associated along with the other condition viz pulmonary adenomatosis (0.7%), interstitial pneumonia (1.0%), and suppurative pneumonia (0.5%).
Maria Sharapova and her boyfriend Grigor Dimitrov are dating in California with ripped pants
24 December, 2014, California, USA NEWS CORP
Maria Sharapova and her boyfriend Grigor Dimitrov were seen enjoying a casual day out in California. Both are romancing and enjoy dating. She is keen for her leg's skin show. Next year in January she is being ready for her tournament. Brisbane International will run on January 4-10. Grigor Dimitrov says "I continue to push myself because I haven't yet achieved my goals. I'm never satisfied. I have a hunger to always want to do more. As soon as you become content and satisfied with your results, then you are in ......
Chinese patrol ships invades Japanese territorial waters off Senkaku Islands
24 December, 2014, Japan, USA NEWS CORP
Two China Coast Guard ships invades Japanese territorial waters around the Senkaku Islands in the East China Sea on Tuesday. A Japan Coast Guard patrol ship observed them for about two hours before they left the area, officials said. The Haijing 2166 and the Haijing 2401 entered Japanese waters southwest of Uotsuri in the Senkaku chain around 10 a.m. The Chinese vessels left the waters southeast of Minamikojima, another island in the Senkaku chain, shortly past noon, the Japan Coast Guard said. China Coast Guard ships last entered territorial waters in the area on Friday. Chinese government vessels have been recorded intruding on 31 days so far this year. China regularly contests Japan’s sovereignty over the uninhabited islets. Its ships have repeatedly entered the waters around them in recent years, raising tensions.....
South Korea is happy over its diplomatic relations with Saudi Arabia
24 December, 2014, Saudi Arabia, USA NEWS CORP
Foreign Minister Yun Byung-se, who is on a visit to Saudi Arabia, the last leg of his Middle East tour, met with his Saudi counterpart Saud al-Faisal on December 23. In the meeting, the two Ministers exchanged views on the need for the Republic of Korea and Saudi Arabia to upgrade their relations to strategic and multi-faceted cooperative ties; issues concerning bilateral cooperation; and the situations on the Korean Peninsula and in the Middle East. The two Ministers took note of the best-ever ties between the two countries that had marked their 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations in 2012. In particular, they noted with appreciation that the two have lately been seeing their relations further expanded and diversified into new areas as well as high-level exchanges become more active. The two sides shared the view that the following served and will serve as opportunities to take their relations to the next level the visit to the ROK by a large number of minister-level Saudi officials for the bilateral business forum held in October, the bilateral summit talks between President Park Geun-hye and Crown Prince Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud held on the sidelines of the G20 Summit in November and the ROK President's visit to Saudi Arabia scheduled for 2015. Minister Yun called Saudi Arabia the ROK’s “al rafik (partner in Arabic)” of the past, present and future, saying that the Middle Eastern country worked with the ROK in the latter’s economic growth process over the past 50 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations in 1962 and will accompany the ROK on the path into next 50 years and beyond. Minister Yun brought attention to the fact that the safety and technology of the ROK’s nuclear sector is acknowledged by the international community, as demonstrated by the ROK having won an order for the construction of Barakah nuclear power plant units in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). In that vein, he asked Saudi Arabia to take interest in the ROK’s nuclear sector and allow relevant Korean companies to....
What's Kim Kardashian is doing??
20 December, 2014, U.S., USA NEWS CORP
Kim Kardashian is trying her every efforts to be on top of trend and talks. Recently she also asked her mother to follow some of her trendy tips, instead of her old family type outfits. She posted her 7 year old Kimberly pic to get more comments, likes and media gossips. All the things are working well for celebrity, and she is a matter of jealous for number of others in competition. The Journal of Journalism & Mass Communication reported that she engages herself more on twitter, and also feed on facebook. She is selling some fashionable items and endorsing some companies these days. Her nude buttocks are already featured above the caption: "Break the Internet", which generated considerable comments in both social and traditional media around the world. In June 2014, Kim Kardashian released a mobile game for iPhone and Android called Kim Kardashian: Hollywood as a successful business. Arvind Kejriwal from India and Kim Kardashian both knows how to be in limelight, both are successful media icon. Recently Instagram deleted fake accounts from their site, which meant a huge decrease in followers for some celebrities. As a result of that new policy, Justin Bieber is not the King of Instagram. The new most-followed person on Instagram is Kim Kardsashian West. Turns out all the people eagerly awaitingKardashian's latest selfie were all real people, No spam accounts. The credit goes to her daily hot engagement and media attention.....
Britney Spears sparkling come back into limelight
20 December, 2014, U.S., USA NEWS CORP
Britney Spears says 'Thank you so much Women's Health for featuring me in your new issue!' It's on stands this week! Britney Spears‘ boyfriend Charlie Ebersol is first time disclosing about his new relationship with the singer and why his past prepared him to be put in the spotlight. “My personal life is my personal life, but I will say this: If I had not gone through what I’ve gone through, I would not have been prepared to be in a relationship of any kind, much less in one with someone like Britney, who has the enormous heart that she does,” Charlie said in an interview with People. “I can’t imagine. Everybody deserves to be loved. My hope is that lesson shines forth in this documentary, and in life.” Charlie battled bullying as a teenager in high school and he also survived a plane crash that killed his younger brother. “In the face of things like this, I still had to remember I was blessed. The mission of my company is to bring three things to the world through entertainment: joy, happiness, and change,” Charlie said. “We must believe our precious time is being used to make a product worth more than anything else we could be doing. I had everything, but I had to work hard to find love.” Britney Spears's daddy is busy in Yoga poses now a days. Britney Spears ....
Russia overlooks new U.S. sanctions as useless
20 December, 2014, U.S., USA NEWS CORP
Russia dismissed new U.S. sanctions as useless and said it will wait as long as it takes for the U.S. to recognize its historic right to the Crimean peninsula. The Russian Foreign Ministry finds it as "collective punishment" on residents who voted last March to join Russia, adding it was preparing to retaliate. Following several rounds of sanctions earlier this year, President Barack Obama recently approved new restrictions on Crimea which Russia annexed in March after a hastily called referendum. The Russian foreign ministry expressed regret that "the United States and Canada still cannot get over the results of a free vote in Crimea in March, 2014," the referendum that was condemned by the international community as illegal and held under the guns of Russian troops. Canada announced travel bans for dozens of individuals as well as restrictions on the export of technology used in Russia's oil industry. Moscow insisted that the new sanctions won't push Russia to give up Crimea since it is a "historic and integral part of Russia" and said it was working on unspecified measures to retaliate. The ministry referred to Cuba where it took the U.S. decades to revive diplomatic relations. "The White House took half a century to admit that blockading Cuba with sanctions was useless: well, we can wait too," the statement said. Obama's order prohibited U.S. companies and individuals from exporting or importing any goods, services or technology to or from Crimea.U.S. individuals or companies cannot buy real estate or businesses in Crimea or finance Crimean companies. It also freezes any assets in the U.S. of individuals determined by the U.S. Treasury Department to be operating in Crimea. Obama's order supports a European Union ban on investment in Crimea, and other economic restrictions including measures aimed at keeping tourists away leadin gto it's isolation.The new measures on investment, services and trade, beef up the EU's previous response to Russia's annexation of the Crimea....
Pope Francis connects United States and Cuba
20 December, 2014, Cuba, USA NEWS CORP
The deal surprises between the United States and Cuba to reopen embassies and restore diplomatic relations after 53 years in the deep freeze involved no clandestine meetings in either country or participation of an aging Fidel Castro. Instead, an unlikely outsider; Pope Francis played a key role in closing out pause of the Cold War. Pope Francis stepped in to preserve the complex negotiations at crucial moments. Today we are all happy because we have seen how two peoples, who were far apart for many years, yesterday took a step to get closer,” Francis, the first Latin American pontiff, declared at the Vatican. Francis is a genius at building bridges. President Obama initiated normalizing relations. Ending Cuba's isolation has been a goal far longer for the pope, who views the suffering for the Cuban people. The pope worked behind the scenes after Obama sought his help during a visit to the Vatican. They talked with one translator each, at Francis' desk in the vast papal library, inside the Apostolic Palace. It was their first discussion, and Cuba “got as much attention as anything else. Earlier, the pope wrote letters to Obama and Cuban President Raul Castro urging them to “resolve humanitarian questions of common interest,” the Vatican said, particularly the release of Alan Gross, an American jailed in Cuba, and three Cubans imprisoned in Florida. A day or two later the Guardian reported on the previously unknown, and tragically futile, quest to save Peter Kassig, the US hostage eventually beheaded by Isis. In that case too there were secret talks and US-authorised back channels, but where those methods brought success in Cuba, they resulted only in frustration and heartbreak for the family....
66 Indian fishermen released by Srilanka set sail for home
20 December, 2014, Sri Lanka

Sixty six Indian fishermen released by Sri Lanka have set sail for home and will reach India by today night, a Minister of External affairs said. Of the fishermen, 27 are from Nagapattinam, 19 from Pudukottai, 12 from Rameswaram and eight from Karaikal in the union territory of Puducherry. Fishermen were arrested by the Sri Lankan Navy on different dates for allegedly fishing in Lankan waters. Their release was ordered after a Ramanathapuram District Judicial Magistrate ordered the release of 12 Sri Lankan fishermen who were arrested Sep 30, along with their two boats. 66 Indian fishermen released by Srilanka set sail for home. To reach Indian coast by night.
India welcomed the...
Justin Bieber on beach in the search of peace
20 December, 2014, U.S., USA NEWS CORP
Justin Bieber alone, at the end of the day there is no point in hating. Anyways, Justin gets more girls than you lot will get in a life time. Justin Drew Bieber is a Canadian singer and songwriter. Bieber's current manager, Scooter Braun first discovered him through his YouTube videos in 2007. He is facing relationship rumours since splitting from longtime love Selena Gomez. Justin Bieber was seen taking a lonely walk beach side in Malibu, California only accompanied by a bodyguard. Justin tried to go unnoticed wearing a pair of sunglasses and covering with a sports cap. He was dressed casually in a navy and black plaid top, white T-shirt and faded denim trousers. The 20-year-old pop star also shared a photo of himself onFacebook and a sunset backdrop with the caption: 'Aren't we all just searching for peace?' He was only accompanied by a huge bodyguard on the pier. Justin Bieber is No longer the most followed person on Instagram. All we Need is Peace in Our Life. Peace At Christmas. Justin is good in his heart. Girls still find interest in him saying 'He really needs to learn to wear clothes his own size not the size of a hippo' else Love the dress. Instagram deleted fake accounts from their site, which meant a huge decrease in followers for some celebrities. As a result of that new policy, Justin Bieber is not the King of Instagram. The new most-followed person on Instagram is Kim Kardsashian West. Turns out all the people eagerly awaitingKardashian's latest selfie were all real people, No spam accounts. The credit goes to her daily hot engagement....
Cuba and Algeria increase cooperation ties
20 December, 2014, Cuba, USA NEWS CORP
With important accords for the development of the cooperation in tourism and the production of medicines ended the XIX session of the Inter Government Commission Cuba-Algeria. The signature of the Final Act of this Inter Government Commission was presided over by the Cuban Minister of Foreign Trade and Investment, Rodrigo Malmierca , and the minister of Health, Populaton and Health Reform from Algeria, Abdelmalek Boudiaf. Both countries agreed to strengthen the current cooperation in the area of health, in the specialties of Oncology and children assistance; and increase to other areas like water resources, sports and agriculture, among others. The report read by the secretary of the Commission on the Cuban part,Alexis Martínez, head of Commercial Policy with Africa and Middle East, expressed that during next year it's is expected a diversification of the relations in the field of cooperation. Algerian Minister,Abdelmalek Boudiaf, highlighted as good the results and working agenda for the next....
Priyanka Chopra spotted at the Grazia cover launch sporting three trends in one look. She wore Madison OnPeddar and Gucci booties. Priyanka Chopra has signed one-year talent development deal with ABC Television Studios. The 32-year-old Bollywood star will be entering into the American market as ABC will either develop a starring vehicle for her or cast her in an existing project target for fall 2015. “To a story teller each platform of performance offers its own artistic challenges, and if you have a good story to tell, regardless of the platform, audiences will follow,” Priyanka said in a statement. “I’ve been a long time fan of ABC shows, and an admirer of how the network has changed the landscape of TV through the diversity of their lead characters. As an intrinsic creative, I am drawn to opportunities that test me in new ways. I’m honored by the opportunity to share my talent with a game-changing network, and I’m very much looking forward to participate in this new endeavor.” You may recognize Priyanka for her song “In My City,” which was recently featured as the NFL’s Thursday Night Football theme song. She also won the title of Miss World at age 17. Not only is she the Queen of Bollywood, she is also the world's sexiest Asian woman! Priyanka Chopra.....
Marriage sounds Lalu Yadav and Mulayam Singh
19 December, 2014, India, USA NEWS CORP

Lalu Yadav's youngest daughter Raj Lakshmi is married with Samajwadi Party chief's grand-nephew Tej Pratap Singh Yadav. Mulayam Singh Yadav's grandson at his Tilak ceremony. An Alliance Between Lalu Yadav and Mulayam Singh is more sounded now. Tej Pratap Singh was born to Late Shri Ranveer Singh Yadav and Smt Mridula Yadav on 21 November 1987 in Saifai village, Etawah district, Uttar Pradesh. He studied in the prestigious Col. Brown Cambridge school and Scholars home in Dehradun, and completed his Graduation-B.Com (hons) from Amity Noida.He is the grand nephew of Mulayam Singh Yadav, the former Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh. He went U.K to study Post Graduation MSC (Management) from Leeds University U.K . He is slated to marry Raj Laxmi, the youngest daughter of
Laloo Prasad Yadav....
The Interview: The truth you will never know
14 December, 2014, United Kingdom, USA NEWS CORP
Sony is facing criticism from pundits, celebrities, and even President Obama, over their decision to pull “The Interview” from theaters amid threats from North Korean-backed hackers, ahead of its scheduled Christmas Day release. The comedy film, which stars James Franco and Seth Rogen, depicts the assassination of North Korean dictator Kim Jung Un. Obama including his celebrity friend and regular donor George Clooney, said they thought Sony made a “mistake” by yanking the movie. “We cannot have a society in which some dictator some place can start imposing censorship here in the United States,” Obama said. “Because if somebody is able to intimidate folks out of releasing a satirical movie, imagine what they start doing when they start seeing a documentary they don’t like or news reports they don’t like. The president said that he wished Sony had run their decision by him first. The Journal of Journalism & Mass Communication told that 'The Interview' has attained enough publicity like Harry Potter worldwide, and it is much ready now to make big international business. Prestigious business management journal (International Journal of Business Management) here said that ultimately Sony has gained wide publicity through it's controversy. The U.S. could finally force North Korea to talk with it, indirectly. Here political diplomacy pushes North Korea to say that The U.S. should bear in mind that it will face serious consequences in case it rejects our proposal for joint investigation and presses for what it called countermeasure while finding fault with the North Korea. North Korea could earn a negative image among .....
Why bird flocks move in unison
14 December, 2014, United Kingdom, USA NEWS CORP
The reasons behind impressive formations of flocking birds, or schools of fish swimming in unison, will be discussed at the University of Lincoln’s Mathematics Christmas Lecture this month. The talk will examine how and why such occurrences – which can also include the movements of human crowds and groups of bacteria – take place. Researchers in the field say that this so-called active matter form movements which make them appear to be a single organism, and is at the forefront of modern interdisciplinary research. The lecture, 'Amazing flocking of birds: is it biology or mathematics?', will take place on Wednesday 17th December 2014 at 3 pm in the Engineering Hub (ENG208) on the University’s main Brayford Campus. It will be delivered by Professor Andrei Zvelindovsky, the Founding Head of the School of Mathematics and Physics at the University of Lincoln. He said: "We all wonder why starlings flock in the sky: is it some mysterious collective intelligence of birds, which creates wonderfully complex patterns, or is it something really simple, like mathematical rules?...
Global status report on violence prevention 2014

From the night of December 5th to the noon of December 6th local time, the medical team of the Chinese People's Liberation Army at the treatment center had received a total of 3
suspected Ebola cases. This signals that the
Ebola treatment center built and independently operated by
China has officially begun to receive and treat Ebola suspected cases.
President Xi Jinping announced China's fourth round of
assistance to West African countries in their
fight against the Ebola epidemic on October 24, including the building of a treatment center for Liberia. Within just one month, the Chinese side has finished the planning, designing and constructing of the treatment center. A team of 163 medical workers of the
People's Liberation Army (PLA) of China was swiftly formed and sent to Liberia on November 15. On November 25, the
Ebola treatment center built by China for Liberia was put into service in Monrovia, the capital city of Liberia. Although a large majority of materials, equipment and other supplies have to be delivered from China, it takes us only one month to build the 100-bed modern hospital treating infectious diseases. It gives full expression to China's speed,
standard and spirit, and the...

On December 11-12, Secretary of State John Kerry will visit
Peru and
Colombia to advance U.S. engagement in the Western Hemisphere and commitment to supporting the international response to climate change.
While in Peru, Secretary Kerry will meet with President Ollanta Humala to highlight the importance of our growing bilateral relationship and congratulate Peru on successfully hosting the 20th session of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. He will also deliver remarks about the U.S. commitment to address the urgent threat of climate change. In addition, the Secretary will meet with French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius to discuss the upcoming French-hosted Conference of Parties (COP 21), as well as a range of global issues. In Colombia, Secretary Kerry will meet with President Juan Manuel Santos to underscore U.S. support for the Government of Colombia’s efforts to achieve a lasting peace that will bring greater security and prosperity to its citizens....
Princess Diana, the Celebrity who trilled the world with her hair style
07 December 2014 UK, USANEWSCORP
Today, its neither her birthday nor anything else but today we are emphasizing her existence on earth. After her death in a 1997 car crash, there is an emptiness in international media. However, it was the media, which is directly blamed for her sad death. She was on the headlines in media during her lifetime. She was an international figure. Now, as she is no more with us, news headlines are empty without her. She, the international celebrity had a thrilling space in everybody's heart for her goodness. People always were interested to know what's she doing, where she is, and everything about her, this is not the end, she was the headlines in media at the time of her accident, death and funeral with live telecast. She was a busy lady and engaged herself in charity and environment protection work. She hugely interacted with public and had special appearance among them. She had stylish hair cut with color. She was an icon in Fashion Industry. She did not tune herself with fashion, but she leaded the....
Why did Obama accept Modi' Invitation as Chief Guest on Republic Day?
IST News
"This Republic Day, we hope to have a friend over... invited President Obama to be the 1st US President to grace the occasion as Chief Guest," Modi tweeted in a sudden development.
White House confirmed the visit in a Modi's return tweet. "At the invitation of Prime Minister Modi, the President would travel to India in January 2015 to participate in the Indian Republic Day celebration in New Delhi as the Chief Guest. This visit will mark the first time a US President will have the honour of attending Republic Day, which commemorates the adoption of India's Constitution. The President will meet with the Prime Minister and Indian officials to strengthen and expand the US-India strategic partnership," the White House press secretary said. So far Modi has played good diplomatic steps, since he has sworn. This is another success in his way. He knows how to handle the things and how to convert them in a meaningful way. He is a true
businessman; a true Gujarati. USA can not ignore Indian market for sustainable growth of it's
business. So Obama will never let this
Why Salman is happy with Hot Arpita Khan Marriage Love Story
IST News
November, 2014
Salman and
Iulia were always together in
marriage. There have been rumours linking him to
Jacqueline Fernandez and
Daisy Shah, but washed out, since the fact is, Salman is in love with Iulia. She is very comfortable with his family too. Iulia has been staying in a
five-star hotel in Bandra, Mumbai which falls very close to
Salman Khan’s Galaxy apartments. And needless to say, it’s Salman Khan who pays all the
bills! Congrats Iulia...
Girls: High heels Bring Men to Their Knees
Men's helpfulness increased along with the height of the heels a woman was wearing. Women's shoe heel size exerts a powerful effect on men's behaviour. More research must be done to examine whether this effect depends on a woman's shoe heel size and on any change of gait due to wearing high heels. Because sexy female models often wear such shoes in the media, men have started to associate the wearers of high-heeled shoes with those having sexual intent........
Romance in new heights, as Katrina Kaif shifts with Ranbir in new home
Now couple are taking new heights to their relationship. They have shifted in their new home in Mumbai. However, due to his father, Rishi Kapoor's illness, Ranbir had been staying at his Krishna Raj bungalow. With his health improving, Ranbir and Kat have stepped into their new house. Kabir, Mini, Karisma and other close friends....
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