In a major move in the field of Photocatalysis, Mbugua S.N., Oyoo W.S. and Njuguna K.G. from Nairobi are awarded with Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen Research Award-2015 in Photocatalysis. The worldwide competition involved many countries. World’s scientific communities turn their attention to merit of the scientific concept involved in it. It is catalyzing the funding and research enthusiasm. The research findings appeared on world’s prestigious International Journal of Photocatalysis. This work focused on synthesis of Titanium (IV) Oxide and Tungsten (VI) Oxide composite and testing the composite as a photocatalyst in deactivation of Escherichi coli in water. Modified wet chemistry method was used and the synthesized nanoparticles calcined at 575° C, taken through X-Ray Fluorescence and X-Ray Diffraction. The result showed a particle size diameter of 18.99nm. The nanoparticles photocatalytic inactivation efficacy of Escherichia coli in water was tested. 3M Petrifilms from 3M Microbiology Products, U.S.A., was used for Escherichia coli colony forming units’ counts. ATUV 8W G8 T5 lamp from PHILIPS emitting between 350-600nm was used as energy source.
The catalyst reduced Escherichia coli count by log 3.415 at an optimum catalyst amount of 0.75 g/L at pH 7.3 using the Chick-Watson model for disinfection kinetics. This work proved that photocatalysis is a promising technology in water purification with possible and practical opportunities existing especially for small-scale point-of-use water purification units where potable water could be treated for disinfection of pathogens or trace priority pollutants remaining in water distribution network after conventional treatment methods. This work proved that nano particles can provide solutions in treatment of drinking water especially for poor communities living in the tropics. Although a lot has been done on photocatalytic decomposition of pollutants in water, this work went further to explore the potential of simple composite synthesized using locally available and abundant resource in Kenya (TiO2). The composite was synthesized using fairly mild conditions and later tested for water purification applications using Escherichia coli in natural water samples collected from the environment as opposed to lab cultured strains. The experiments proved that the titanium (IV) oxide- Tungsten (VI) oxide composite can be effectively used in the removal of microbial pollutants from water. The results indicated a negligible Escherichia coli reduction rate variation to acid conditions. From the data obtained significant disinfection was not observed for the dark control (photocatalyst only with no UV), UVA irradiation alone (in the absence of photocatalyst) or with the sample stirred in the presence of photocatalyst. Process taking place during dark control was explained as adsorption-desorption of the Eschericia coli from the surface of the photocatalyst. Photocatalysis is a promising technology in water purification with possible and practical opportunities existing for small-scale point-of-use water purification units where potable water could be treated for disinfection of pathogens or trace priority pollutants remaining in (or entering) the water distribution network following conventional treatment; for example, chlorine-resistant pathogens, endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) or pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs). Our earlier work (unpublished) showed that our photocatalyst composite was effective in removal of heavy metals and organochlorine pesticides which are some of the pollutants that are not removed by chlorination. The green reactions of photocatalysis are ideal in energy saving and emission reductions. This work focused on exploring the potential of nanoparticle photocatalysis in use for water purification. Escherichia coli was used as model bacteria to explore disinfection kinetics of the nanocomposites used and the optimum working conditions of pH, initial catalyst amount and time factors. The findings can be applied to point-of-use water purification especially for poor communities living in the tropics where solar energy can be harvested and harnessed to effect pathogen removal. The major limitation in this work was the subsequent requirement to filter the nanoparticles after each test. This was because the tests were performed with dispersed and stirred nanoparticles in water. Anchoring procedure for the nanoparticles on immobilized support will be undertaken later. From the findings of this research work, it is recommended that policy makers take into consideration the potential contributions of scientific research into policy implementation in water purification processes. In Kenya, the right to clean drinking water is embedded in the constitution as a right to every citizen. This can only be realized if clean and energy efficient technologies are adopted and incorporated into policies that guide water purification and distribution. The relevant Kenya Government research funding bodies should work with research institutions through funding water purification research, and coordinate the implementation of research findings to target communities. The authors wish to acknowledge the USAID/National Academy of Science PEER project No. PGA-2000001967 for the support grant. Dr. Vincent Madadi for providing the 3M E. coli plates and Ms Dorice Situma for providing SPE catridges, the Department of Chemistry of the University of Nairobi, ANCAP and the Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology.
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