12 March, 2015, Bangladesh, USA NEWS CORP
The Frederick Banting Research Award-2015 in Nutrition goes to Taslima Khatun, Murshida Yasmin, Mariam Begum, Sadeka Banu Akhi, Shaheen Ahmed, Liaquat Ali from Bangladesh. This is an excellent global opportunity to recognize the meritorious efforts by individual and organization. The research findings were published on world’s prestigious Journal for Nutrition. Background: A total of 2.4 million men and women are employed in Garment industries of Bangladesh. Among them a remarkable number is lean and thin. Aims and objective: accordingly, the present study was aimed to find out the anthropometric status and dietary practices in adult of garments labors. Materials and Methods: This cross sectional study was conducted on 317 garment workers. All anthropometric data were collected by standard techniques. Dietary intake was taken by 24hr recall method and nutrient content of each food item was estimated. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS windows 16. Results: Among the participants 26% male and 41% female were underweighted, 18% male and 8% female were over weighted and only 4% male and 2% female were obese. According to the measurement of Mid Upper Arm Circumference (MUAC) of the participants 24% male and 35% female were undernourished. So far as skinfolds are concerned, man also had significantly greater mean values than women for all skinfolds. Significant association was found between Body Mass Index (BMI) and energy intake (r = 0.616, p= <0.001) of the garment labor. Conclusion: All of the garments labors nutritional status and dietary intake pattern is not satisfactory. The present study reveals female workers (41%) are more underweight than male workers (26%). Using other anthropometric parameters also found that female workers are more undernourished than male workers which classify by MUAC and skin fold caliper. Mean intake of energy, carbohydrate, protein were below than the recommended dietary allowance and it is high in female workers. This study shows that intake of various nutrients of a majority of the subjects are lower than RDA. There was a significant association was found between Body Mass Index (BMI) and energy intake (r = 0.616, p= <0.001) of the study respondents. The present study reveals a need for a comprehensive intervention programme to improve the overall nutritional status of this segment of the population. Providing free or price-subsidized food during work hours would be a further step towards improving their nutritional status. Return in enhanced productivity, and long-term social benefit of their improved health from giving a good meal would outweigh cost of taking such beneficial steps. Female workers are more undernourished than male workers. Mean intake of energy, carbohydrate, protein were below than the recommended dietary allowance and it is more prevalent in female workers. Positive association was found between dietary pattern and nutritional status. Large number of subjects should have been included in the study. Limited parameters were used to measured nutritional status. In case of interview regarding past information, recall bias may be present in the dietary history. Food should be supplied for the workers during their working period in industries. Only better nourishment can ensure a better service in a whole. They thank to Govt. Home Economics College and Bangladesh University of Health Sciences (BUHS) to provide the financial support to conduct this research work. The authors declare that they have no competing interests. TK Contributed her intellectual ability to conception and design of the research, analysis and interpretation of data, drafting the article, revising it critically for important intellectual content, and final approval of the version to be published; MY Contributed her intellectual ability to conception and design of the research, interpretation of data, and data collection; MB Contributed her intellectual ability to conception and design of the research; SBA contributed her intellectual ability to conception and design of the research; SA Contributed her intellectual ability to conception and design of the research; LA Contributed his intellectual ability to conception and design of the research, analysis and interpretation of data, drafting the article and final approval of the version to be published; All of the above authors read and approved the final manuscript.
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